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5 Ways to Go Zero-Waste in Your Bathroom

The bathroom is often a source of unnecessary waste, but it is also an easy place to make some simple changes to reduce your environmental impact.

Here are five ways you can go zero-waste in the bathroom:

  1. Use a Bamboo Toothbrush. Plastic toothbrush add 50 million pounds of waste to the landfills and oceans every year and can take 500 years to decompose. Bamboo can decompose in as little as 3-4 months.
  2. Choose eco-friendly Bamboo Cotton Swabs. Many cotton swabs today have either a plastic stick or a paper stick that uses chemical adhesives. Bamboo sticks use no chemicals or adhesives. Bamboo is a renewable resource, which grows to maturity in only 5 years. Bamboo also puts more oxygen into the air than trees and is considered one of the most eco-friendly resources. Get rid of the plastic and paper swabs by switching to sustainable bamboo cotton swabs!
  3. Invest in a reusable Makeup Remover or Cotton Pads. Single-use cotton pads and facecloths are another common source of waste in the bathroom. By switching to a reusable cotton pads, you can greatly reduce your waste and save money in the long run.
  4. Use a Compostable Dental Floss. Dental floss is often packaged in single-use plastic containers, which can add up over time. Today’s compostable dental floss is all-natural, made of cornstarch and coated in wax and comes in a glass container.
  5. Choose a low-flow toilet and showerhead. Using a low-flow toilet and showerhead can help reduce water waste and save on your monthly water bill. These low-flow appliances use less water while still providing the same level of performance, making them a great eco-friendly choice for the bathroom.

Going zero-waste in the bathroom may require some initial effort, but it can have a big impact on the amount of waste you produce. By making a few simple changes, you can help reduce your environmental footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle. is a small, family-run online store selling earth-friendly Products.  Our goal is to challenge people to replace everyday items with ones that are sustainable, reusable and better for our planet. It's not as hard as you think.  If you can commit to making some simple changes, you can keep a significant amount of plastic out of the landfills and oceans every year. Some of our products are even made by us!

We understand that plastic can’t be avoided but we know that making small changes can make a big difference.  And, when you do have to use plastic, be sure to recycle!



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