About Us
Real Happy Earth is a family business, owned by three sisters. We started this journey after realizing the massive impact that plastic has on our planet. Did you know that every piece of plastic ever manufactured still exists? It takes 400-500 years for plastic to degrade. If we don’t do something now, it is estimated that the ocean will have more plastic than marine life by the year 2050. We want better for our family and yours.
We are challenging all of you to start your zero waste journey to reduce plastics by replacing at least one item in your house with an eco-friendly option.
Keeping just one plastic toothbrush out of the landfill can help. If everyone switched to a bamboo toothbrush, we could keep 23 billion plastic toothbrush from clogging up our landfills and our oceans every year. Every year!
Together we can be the change that our planet needs.
Anne Marie, Barbara and Mary Beth